Pathfinder Reference Document
Pathfinder Reference Document


Druids are the keepers of the wildlands, the guardians watching at nature's border to ensure that hubristic civilization does not overreach its bounds. From the highest mountain peaks to the steaming jungles and seas, druids learn and draw their power from their surrounding environment and the creatures that live there. Like nature itself, druids can be gentle and succoring or red in tooth and claw, and need answer only to the wind and the rain.

Presented below are new variant class rules to help you customize your druid for specific terrain types, as well as rules for druidic shamans who worship specific totem animals.

Aquatic Druid

Shepherds of the lakes and seas, aquatic druids guard ecosystems ranging from shallows streams to deep ocean trenches, ministering to their residents and communing with the tides.

Wild Empathy (Ex): An aquatic druid's wild empathy functions only on creatures that have a swim speed or the aquatic or water subtype; however, she can improve the attitude of any such creature with Intelligence 2 or less regardless of type, including mindless creatures.

Aquatic Adaptation (Ex): At 2nd level, an aquatic druid gains an insight bonus on Initiative checks and Knowledge (geography), Perception, Stealth, Survival, and Swim checks equal to 1/2 her druid level in aquatic terrain, and she cannot be tracked such environments. This ability replaces woodland stride.

Natural Swimmer (Ex): At 3rd level, an aquatic druid gains a swim speed equal to half her land speed. This ability replaces trackless step.

Resist Ocean's Fury (Ex): At 4th level, an aquatic druid gains a +4 bonus on saving throws against spells of the water type or the exceptional or supernatural abilities of creatures with the aquatic or water subtype. This ability replaces resist nature's lure.

Wild Shape (Su): An aquatic druid gains this ability at 6th level, except that her effective druid level for the ability is equal to her druid level – 2.

Seaborn (Ex): At 9th level, an aquatic druid gains the aquatic subtype, the amphibious trait, and a swim speed equal to her land speed. She also can endure cold climate effects as if using endure elements. This ability replaces venom immunity.

Deep Diver (Ex): At 13th level, an aquatic druid gains DR/slashing or piercing equal to 1/2 her level. This damage reduction also applies against spells and spell-like abilities that inflict damage by grappling or crushing (e.g., black tentacles, crushing hand). She never takes pressure damage from deep water. This ability replaces a thousand faces.

Arctic Druid

An arctic druid watches over the stark landscape of the far frozen reaches of the world, tending the stunted and rugged life that ekes out its survival in the least habitable climes.

Arctic Native (Ex): At 2nd level, an arctic druid gains a bonus on Initiative checks and Knowledge (geography), Perception, Stealth, and Survival checks equal to 1/2 her druid level in cold or icy terrain, and she cannot be tracked in cold or icy terrain. This ability replaces woodland stride.

Icewalking (Ex): At 3rd level, an arctic druid suffers no penalty to speed or on Acrobatics, Climb, or Stealth checks in snowy or icy terrain or weather conditions and can walk across snow crusts or thin ice without breaking through. This ability replaces trackless step.

Arctic Endurance (Ex): At 4th level, an arctic druid ignores the effects of a cold climate as if using endure elements. She is also immune to being dazzled. This ability replaces resist nature's lure.

Wild Shape (Su): An arctic druid gains this ability at 6th level, except that her effective druid level for this ability is equal to her druid level – 2.

Snowcaster (Su): At 9th level, an arctic druid can see normally in ice storm, sleet storm, or similar natural snowstorms. In addition, she can prepare any druid spell with the fire subtype as a cold spell, with an identical effect but inflicting cold damage instead of fire damage. This ability replaces venom immunity.

Flurry Form (Ex): At 13th level, an arctic druid can assume the form of a swirling column of snow equivalent to gaseous form at will. While in this form, she gains a circumstance bonus on Stealth checks made in cold terrain equal to her druid level. This ability replaces a thousand faces.

Blight Druid

The devoted servants of nature corrupted, ruined, and destroyed, blight druids are the caretakers of lands ravaged by natural disaster. While some are devoted to reforming and reclaiming lands despoiled by the ravages of civilization, others seek out the more rapacious violence inherent in nature and feed the creeping rot and decay that brings an end to all things.

Nature Bond (Ex): A blight druid may not bond with an animal companion, but may either call a familiar as a wizard of her druid level or select from the Darkness, Death, and Destruction domains in addition to those normally available.

Vermin Empathy (Su): A blight druid can improve the attitude of vermin as a normal druid can with animals. Vermin have a starting attitude of unfriendly. The blight druid can also improve the attitude of animals and mindless undead creatures that were formerly animals, but she takes a –4 penalty on the check unless the animal or undead has a disease special attack. This ability replaces wild empathy.

Miasma (Ex): Starting at 5th level, if a blight druid is adjacent to a creature at the beginning of its turn, the creature must succeed at a Fortitude save with a DC of 10 + 1/2 the druid's level + the druid's Wisdom modifier or become sickened for 1 round. A creature of the animal, fey, or plant type that fails its save is nauseated for 1 round and sickened for 1 minute thereafter. If the creature makes its save, it is immune to this effect for 24 hours, as are creatures immune to disease. This ability replaces trackless step and resist nature's lure.

Blightblooded (Ex): At 9th level, a blight druid gains immunity to all diseases, including natural and supernatural diseases. She also becomes immune to effects that would cause her to become sickened or nauseated. This ability replaces venom immunity.

Plaguebearer (Su): Starting at 13th level, any creature that strikes a blight druid with a touch attack, unarmed strike, or natural weapon must succeed at a Fortitude save with a DC of 10 + 1/2 the druid's level + the druid's Wisdom modifier or contract a disease, as the contagion spell. If the creature makes its save, it is immune to this effect for 24 hours. This ability replaces a thousand faces.

Cave Druid

Far from the green fields of the world above lies a lightless expanse beneath the surface. This darkling fairyland is not without beauty and natural wonders of its own, and a few druids seek to preserve this hidden realm and purge it of the fell horrors that creep up from below.

Cavesense (Ex): A underground druid adds Knowledge (dungeoneering) rather than Knowledge (geography) as a class skill and gains a +2 bonus on Knowledge (dungeoneering) and Survival skill checks. This ability replaces the nature sense ability.

Nature Bond: A cave druid may select the Darkness domain in addition to the choices normally allowed, but may not select the Air or Weather domains.

Wild Empathy (Ex): A cave druid can influence oozes, rather than magical beasts, with a –4 penalty on her wild empathy check.

Tunnelrunner (Ex): At 2nd level, a cave druid can move through areas of rubble or narrow passages that require squeezing at her normal movement rate and without penalty. This ability replaces woodland stride.

Lightfoot (Ex): At 3rd level, a cave druid cannot be detected with tremorsense. This ability replaces trackless step.

Resist Subterranean Corruption (Ex): At 4th level, a cave druid gains a +2 bonus on saves against exceptional, supernatural, and spell-like abilities of oozes and aberrations. This ability replaces resist nature's lure.

Wild Shape (Su): A cave druid gains this ability at 6th level, except that her effective druid level for this ability is equal to her druid level – 2. She cannot use wild shape to adopt a plant form. At 10th level, the cave druid can assume the form of a Small or Medium ooze as if using beast shape III, and at 12th level that of a Tiny or Large ooze as if using beast shape IV (treating the ooze as if it were a magical beast without a natural armor bonus). When in ooze form, the cave druid has no discernible anatomy and is immune to poison, sneak attacks, and critical hits.

Desert Druid

Not all climates are verdant paradises, but even in the sere deserts there is life—though often hidden from the sun and rarely friendly—and raw, desolate beauty. Here desert druids come to pay homage, protect and maintain the few habitable locales, and witness nature's majesty in all its burning, merciless glory.

Desert Native (Ex): At 2nd level, a desert druid gains a bonus on Initiative checks and Knowledge (geography), Perception, Stealth, and Survival checks equal to 1/2 her druid level in desert terrain, and she cannot be tracked in such environments. This ability replaces woodland stride.

Sandwalker (Ex): At 3rd level, a desert druid suffers no penalty to speed or on Acrobatics or Stealth checks when moving through sandy or desert terrain. This ability replaces trackless step.

Desert Endurance (Ex): At 4th level, a desert druid ignores the effects of a hot climate as if using endure elements. She also has a reduced need to eat and drink, as if wearing a ring of sustenance (though normal sleep is still required). This ability replaces resist nature's lure.

Wild Shape (Su): A desert druid gains this ability at 6th level, except that her effective druid level for the ability is equal to her druid level – 2. A desert druid cannot use wild shape to adopt a plant form. At 10th level she can assume the form of a Small or Medium vermin, at 12th level a Tiny or Large vermin, and at 14th level a Diminutive or Huge vermin. This effect functions as beast shape IV (treating the vermin as an animal to determine its ability and natural armor modifiers).

Shaded Vision (Ex): At 9th level, a desert druid becomes immune to blinding and dazzling effects and gains a +2 bonus on saving throws against gaze attacks and illusions of the figment and pattern subschools. This ability replaces venom immunity.

Dunemeld (Ex): At 13th level, a desert druid can assume the form of a swirling mass of sand at will. This is equivalent to gaseous form, but the druid gains a land and burrow speed of 10 feet rather than a fly speed. While in this form, the druid gains a circumstance bonus on Stealth checks made in desert terrain equal to her druid level. This ability replaces a thousand faces.

Jungle Druid

The fecund jungles of the equatorial regions are rich in life and ancient tradition; druidical guardians of sacred pools, elder trees, and trembling volcanoes watch over crumbling temples and the inevitable reclamation of lost civilizations by the beating heart of nature untamed.

Jungle Guardian (Ex): At 2nd level, a jungle druid gains a bonus on Initiative checks and Climb, Knowledge (geography), Perception, Stealth, and Survival checks equal to 1/2 her druid level in jungle terrain, and she cannot be tracked in such environments. This ability replaces woodland stride.

Woodland Stride (Ex): A jungle druid gains this ability at 3rd level. This ability replaces trackless step.

Torrid Endurance (Ex): At 4th level, a jungle druid ignores the effects of a hot climate as if under the effects of endure elements. She also gains a +4 bonus on saves against disease and the exceptional abilities of animals and magical beasts. This ability replaces resist nature's lure.

Wild Shape (Su): A jungle druid gains this ability at 6th level, except that her effective druid level for the ability is equal to her druid level – 2.

Verdant Sentinel (Ex): At 13th level, a jungle druid can cast tree shape at will. This ability replaces a thousand faces.

Mountain Druid

As more and more of the soft, easy lands become cultivated and civilized, many druids look for refuge and solitude among the eternal peaks of the highest mountains.

Mountaineer (Ex): At 2nd level, a mountain druid gains a bonus on Initiative checks and Climb, Knowledge (geography), Perception, Stealth, and Survival checks equal to half her druid level in mountainous terrain, and she cannot be tracked in such an environment. This ability replaces woodland stride.

Sure-Footed (Ex): At 3rd level, a mountain druid suffers no penalty to speed or on Acrobatics or Stealth checks when walking across steep slopes, rubble, or scree. This ability replaces trackless step.

Spire Walker (Ex): At 4th level, a mountain druid does not lose her Dexterity bonus when climbing. A mountain druid is immune to altitude sickness and ignores the effects of a cold climate as if under the effects of endure elements. This ability replaces resist nature's lure.

Wild Shape (Su): A mountain druid gains this ability at 6th level, except that her effective druid level for the ability is equal to her druid level – 2. A mountain druid cannot use wild shape to adopt a plant form. However, at 12th level she can assume the form of a Large giant as if using giant form I. At 16th level, she may assume the form of a Huge giant as if using giant form II.

Mountain Stance (Ex): At 9th level, a mountain druid gains immunity to petrification and receives a +4 bonus on saving throws or to CMD to resist any attempt to push, pull, bull rush, or drag her, or to resist any other effect that would physically move her from her position (e.g., repel wood, reverse gravity, or being blown away by high winds). This does not protect her against being tripped, grappled, or overrun. This ability replaces venom immunity.

Mountain Stone (Ex): At 13th level, a mountain druid can transform her body into a weathered stone outcrop and back at will. This effect functions as statue. This ability replaces a thousand faces.

Plains Druid

Out upon the wide and rolling prairies and savannahs, plains druids stand guard over the grasslands. These druids range far and wide, watching over nomadic tribes and wandering herds and preserving the sometimes fragile ecosystem of the wide open spaces.

Plains Traveler (Ex): At 2nd level, a plains druid gains a bonus on initiative checks and Knowledge (geography), Perception, Stealth, and Survival checks equal to 1/2 her druid level in plains terrain, and she cannot be tracked in such an environment. This ability replaces woodland stride.

Run Like the Wind (Ex): At 3rd level, a plains druid gains +10 feet to her land speed when wearing light or no armor and carrying a light load, and once per hour, she may run or charge at double the normal speed for 1 round. If riding her animal companion, it gains this ability instead. This ability replaces trackless step.

Savanna Ambush (Ex): At 4th level, a plains druid gains concealment whenever she is prone in natural surroundings, and can make Stealth checks at no penalty when prone and not moving or at –5 when crawling. A plains druid can stand up from prone as an immediate action during a surprise round. This ability replaces resist nature's lure.

Wild Shape (Su): A plains druid gains this ability at 6th level, except that her effective druid level for the ability is equal to her druid level – 2.

Canny Charger (Ex): At 9th level, a plains druid can charge through allies' squares without difficulty (whether mounted or afoot) and can turn up to 90 degrees once during a charge, provided the last 10 feet toward the target are in a straight line. She also gains a +4 dodge bonus to AC against enemy charge attacks and a +4 bonus to damage with a readied action against a charging foe. This ability replaces venom immunity.

Evasion (Ex): At 13th level, a plains druid gains evasion when wearing light or no armor and carrying a light load. This functions as the rogue ability of the same name. This ability replaces a thousand faces.

Swamp Druid

Some druids eschew pleasant glades and groves and instead seek out dank marshes, misty bogs and heaths, and trackless swamps as the place they call home and watch over with care, finding beauty and life in abundance in places few others would willingly enter.

Marshwight (Ex): At 2nd level, a swamp druid gains a bonus on Initiative checks and Knowledge (geography), Perception, Stealth, Swim, and Survival checks equal to 1/2 her druid level in swamp terrain, and she cannot be tracked in such an environment. This ability replaces woodland stride.

Swamp Strider (Ex): At 3rd level, a swamp druid suffers no penalty to speed or on Acrobatics or Stealth checks in bogs and undergrowth. This ability replaces trackless step.

Pond Scum (Ex): At 4th level, a swamp druid gains a +4 bonus on saves against disease and the exceptional, supernatural, and spell-like abilities of monstrous humanoids. A swamp druid also gains DR/— equal to half her druid level against attacks by swarms. If this damage resistance prevents damage, the druid is unaffected by distraction or other special attacks of the swarm. This ability replaces resist nature's lure.

Wild Shape (Su): A swamp druid gains this ability at 6th level, except that her effective druid level for the ability is equal to her druid level – 2.

Slippery (Ex): At 13th level, a swamp druid gains continuous freedom of movement. This ability replaces a thousand faces.

Urban Druid

While many druids keep to the wilderness, some make their way within settlements, communing with the animals and vermin who live there and speaking for the nature that runs rampant in civilization's very cradle.

Spontaneous Casting: An urban druid can channel stored spell energy into domain spells that she has not prepared ahead of time. She can “lose” a prepared spell in order to cast any domain spell of the same level or lower. This ability replaces the ability to spontaneously cast summon nature's ally spells.

Nature Bond (Ex): An urban druid may not select an animal companion. Instead, she must choose from the following domains, rather than those usually available to druids: Charm, Community, Knowledge, Nobility, Protection, Repose, Rune, or Weather.

Lorekeeper (Ex): At 2nd level, an urban druid adds Diplomacy, Knowledge (history), Knowledge (local), and Knowledge (nobility) skills to her list of class skills. She also receives a +2 bonus on these skill checks. This ability replaces a druid's woodland stride and trackless step abilities.

Resist Temptation (Ex): At 4th level, an urban druid gains a +2 bonus on saves vs. divinations and enchantments. This replaces the resist nature's lure ability.

A Thousand Faces (Su): An urban druid gains this ability at 6th level.

Wild Shape (Su): An urban druid gains this ability at 8th level, except that her effective druid level for the ability is equal to her druid level – 4.

Mental Strength (Ex): At 9th level, an urban druid gains immunity to charm and compulsion effects. This ability replaces venom immunity.

Animal Shamans

Some druids form a close bond with one type of animal. The following animal shamans represent just some of the possibilities, exploring the unique bond between a druid and her totem. These shamans all possess similar powers, which are explained fully in the bear shaman description.

Bear Shaman

A shaman with this focus calls upon the mighty bear, titan of the woodlands and mountains, a paragon of strength and ferocity, and yet also a quiet protector rich in wisdom.

Nature Bond: A bear shaman who chooses an animal companion must select a bear. If choosing a domain, the bear shaman must choose from the Animal, Earth, Protection, and Strength domains.

Wild Empathy (Ex): A bear shaman can use wild empathy with bears and wolverines as a full-round action with a +4 bonus.

Totem Transformation (Su): At 2nd level, a bear shaman may adopt an aspect of the bear while retaining her normal form. She gains one of the following bonuses: movement (+10 enhancement bonus to land speed, +4 racial bonus on Swim checks), senses (low-light vision, scent), toughness (+2 natural armor bonus to AC, Endurance feat), or natural weapons (bite [1d6] and 2 claws [1d4] for a Medium shaman, +2 to CMB on grapple checks). While using totem transformation, the bear shaman may speak normally and can cast speak with animals (mammals only) at will. Using this ability is a standard action at 2nd level, a move action at 7th level, and a swift action at 12th level. The bear shaman can use this ability for a number of minutes per day equal to her druid level. These minutes do not need to be consecutive, but they must be used in 1-minute increments. This is a polymorph effect and cannot be used while the druid is using another polymorph effect, such as wild shape.

Totemic Summons (Su): At 5th level, a bear shaman may cast summon nature's ally as a standard action when summoning bears, and summoned bears gain temporary hit points equal to her druid level. She can apply the young template to any bear to reduce the level of the summoning spell required by one. She can also increase the level of summoning required by one in order to apply either the advanced or the giant template, or increase it by two to apply both the advanced and giant templates. This ability replaces a thousand faces.

Wild Shape (Su): At 6th level, a bear shaman's wild shape ability functions at her druid level – 2. If she takes on the form of a bear, she instead uses her druid level + 2.

Bonus Feat: At 9th level and every 4 levels thereafter, a bear shaman gains one of the following bonus feats: Diehard, Endurance, Great Fortitude, Improved Great Fortitude, Toughness. She must meet the prerequisites for these bonus feats. This ability replaces venom immunity.

Eagle Shaman

A shaman with this totem calls upon the noble eagle, stern and proud, soaring high above the world with keen and pitiless eyes that miss nothing.

Nature Bond: An eagle shaman who chooses an animal companion must select a bird (eagle). If choosing a domain, the eagle shaman must choose from the Air, Animal, Nobility, and Weather domains.

Wild Empathy (Ex): An eagle shaman can use wild empathy with birds as a full-round action with a +4 bonus.

Totem Transformation (Su): At 2nd level, an eagle shaman may adopt an aspect of the eagle while retaining her normal form. This ability functions as the bear shaman ability, but the druid may select from the following bonuses: movement (fly speed 30 feet [average], the druid must be 5th level to select this bonus), senses (low-light vision, +4 racial bonus to Perception), or natural weapons (bite [1d4], 2 talons [1d4] for a Medium shaman). While using totem transformation, the eagle shaman may speak normally and can cast speak with animals (birds only) at will.

Totemic Summons (Su): At 5th level, an eagle shaman may cast summon nature's ally as a standard action when summoning eagles, rocs, and giant eagles (added to the 4th-level list), and these summoned creatures gain temporary hit points equal to her druid level. This ability otherwise functions as the bear shaman ability.

Wild Shape (Su): At 6th level, an eagle shaman's wild shape ability functions at her druid level – 2. If she takes on the form of an eagle or roc, she instead uses her druid level + 2.

Bonus Feat: At 9th level and every 4 levels thereafter, an eagle shaman gains one of the following bonus feats: Flyby Attack, Improved Lightning Reflexes, Lightning Reflexes, Skill Focus (Perception), or Wind Stance. She must meet the prerequisites for these bonus feats. This ability replaces venom immunity.

Lion Shaman

A shaman with this totem calls upon the proud lion, imposing and majestic, the mighty leader of deadly hunters.

Nature Bond: A lion shaman who chooses an animal companion must select a lion. If choosing a domain, the lion shaman must choose from the Animal, Glory, Nobility, and Sun domains.

Wild Empathy (Ex): A lion shaman can use wild empathy with felines as a full-round action with a +4 bonus.

Totem Transformation (Su): At 2nd level, a lion shaman may adopt an aspect of the lion while retaining her normal form. This ability functions as the bear shaman ability, but the druid may select from the following bonuses: movement (+20 enhancement bonus to land speed), senses (low-light vision, scent), or natural weapons (bite [1d4], 2 claws [1d4] for a Medium druid, rake, +2 CMB to grapple). While using totem transformation, the lion shaman may speak normally and can cast speak with animals (felines only) at will.

Totemic Summons (Su): At 5th level, a lion shaman may cast summon nature's ally as a standard action when summoning felines, and these summoned creatures gain temporary hit points equal to her druid level. This ability otherwise functions as the bear shaman ability.

Wild Shape (Su): At 6th level, a lion shaman's wild shape ability functions at her druid level – 2. If she takes on the form of a feline, she instead uses her druid level + 2.

Bonus Feat: At 9th level and every 4 levels thereafter, a lion shaman gains one of the following bonus feats: Dodge, Lunge, Improved Iron Will, Iron Will, or Skill Focus (Acrobatics). She must meet the prerequisites for these bonus feats. This ability replaces venom immunity.

Serpent Shaman

A shaman with this totem calls upon the cunning serpent, the stealthy deceiver who draws the weak minded in and strikes while they are unaware. Some hate its treacherous nature, while others praise its thoughtful pragmatism.

Nature Bond: A serpent shaman who chooses an animal companion must select a snake. If choosing a domain, the serpent shaman must choose from the Animal, Charm, Trickery, and Water domains.

Wild Empathy (Ex): A serpent shaman can use wild empathy with reptiles as a full-round action with a +4 bonus.

Totem Transformation (Su): At 2nd level, a serpent shaman may adopt an aspect of the snake while retaining her normal form. This ability functions as the bear shaman ability, but the druid may select from the following bonuses: movement (climb speed 20 feet, swim speed 20 feet), scales (+2 natural armor bonus to AC), senses (low-light vision, scent), or natural weapons (bite [1d4], poison [frequency 1 round (6), effect 1 Con damage, Cure 1 save, Con-based DC] for a Medium druid, +2 CMB to grapple). While using totem transformation, the serpent shaman may speak normally and can cast speak with animals (reptiles only) at will.

Totemic Summons (Su): At 5th level, a serpent shaman may cast summon nature's ally as a standard action when summoning snakes, and these summoned creatures gain temporary hit points equal to her druid level. This ability otherwise functions as the bear shaman ability.

Wild Shape (Su): At 6th level, a serpent shaman's wild shape ability functions at her druid level – 2. If she takes on the form of a snake, she instead uses her druid level + 2.

Bonus Feat: At 9th level and every 4 levels thereafter, a serpent shaman gains one of the following bonus feats: Combat Expertise, Improved Feint, Skill Focus (Bluff), Stealthy, or Strike Back. She must meet the prerequisites for these bonus feats. This ability replaces venom immunity.

Wolf Shaman

A shaman with this totem calls upon the clever wolf, capable of roaming alone yet wise enough to run with a pack when facing dangers too great for one alone.

Nature Bond: A wolf shaman who chooses an animal companion must select a wolf. If choosing a domain, the wolf shaman must choose from the Animal, Community, Liberation, and Travel domains.

Wild Empathy (Ex): A wolf shaman can use wild empathy with canines as a full-round action with a +4 bonus.

Totem Transformation (Su): At 2nd level, a wolf shaman may adopt an aspect of the wolf while retaining her normal form. This ability functions as the bear shaman ability, but the druid may select from the following bonuses: movement (+20 enhancement bonus to land speed), senses (low-light vision, scent, +4 racial bonus to Survival when tracking by scent), or natural weapons (bite [1d4 plus trip] for a Medium druid, +2 CMB to trip). While using totem transformation, the wolf shaman may speak normally and can cast speak with animals (canines only) at will.

Totemic Summons (Su): At 5th level, a wolf shaman may cast summon nature's ally as a standard action when summoning canines, and these summoned creatures gain temporary hit points equal to her druid level. This ability otherwise functions as the bear shaman ability.

Wild Shape (Su): At 6th level, a wolf shaman's wild shape ability functions at her druid level – 2. If she takes on the form of a canine, she instead uses her druid level + 2.

Bonus Feat: At 9th level and every 4 levels thereafter, a wolf shaman gains one of the following bonus feats: Greater Trip, Improved Trip, Mobility, Skill Focus (Stealth), or Spring Attack. She must meet the prerequisites for these bonus feats. This ability replaces venom immunity.