Pathfinder Reference Document
Pathfinder Reference Document

Alternate Crafting and Profession Rules

While the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game takes place in a world of grand and heroic adventure, not every corner of the campaign setting is full of monsters and villains. Like the real world, it is home to common artisans, merchants, and tradespeople—those who spend their lives making and selling goods or performing specialized tasks that require particular knowledge. Many heroes have a humble start as apprentices or artisans before hearing the call to adventure. Some even keep up with their former crafts and talents and find ways to utilize their skills and knowledge while adventuring.


There are two main ways to craft items in the Pathfinder RPG. One way is to create magic items via the various item creation feats. These rules often see more use by adventurers, as they produce powerful tools to help with exploration, treasure hunting, and the defeat of vicious monsters. The other method is to use the Craft skills to make items of mundane or alchemical nature. While the main rules for crafting with these skills can be found in the Core Rulebook, this section presents alternatives and expansions to those crafting rules to make fashioning such items both easier and more engaging.

Alternate Crafting Rules

While the rules for crafting in the Core Rulebook are perfectly suitable for the needs of most campaigns, they can sometimes be cumbersome to use. Those rules assume that a character spends a full week crafting an item. They also involve complex multiplication to determine the degree of success and speed with which the item can be crafted. Not only are these rules significantly different from those for other skill checks, but they can slow down play at the table and give rise to strange circumstances where it takes an unreasonably long time to create relatively simple items that happen to have a high gold piece cost. Furthermore, while the system features rules for attempting daily checks, these rules can be cumbersome for players.

The following system presents crafting rules that are a little easier to use, especially in conjunction with the downtime system presented in Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Ultimate Campaign.

With this alternative system, use the following version of the Craft skill instead of the one presented in the Core Rulebook.

Crafting DCs and Progress Values
Crafting Difficulty Craft DC Base Progress per Day
Extremely simpleDC 55 sp
SimpleDC 101 gp
NormalDC 152 gp
ComplexDC 204 gp
IntricateDC 258 gp
Very intricateDC 3016 gp
Extremely intricateDC 3532 gp
PoisonsDC = the Fortitude DC of the poison32 gp
TrapsBased on complexity, see text32 gp

Craft (Int)

You are skilled in the creation of a specific group of items, such as armor or weapons. Like Knowledge, Perform, and Profession, Craft is actually a number of separate skills. You could have several Craft skills, each with its own ranks. The most common Craft skills are alchemy, armor, baskets, books, bows, calligraphy, carpentry, cloth, clothing, glass, jewelry, leather, locks, paintings, pottery, sculptures, ships, shoes, stonemasonry, traps, and weapons.

A Craft skill is specifically focused on creating something. If an endeavor does not result in a created product, it probably falls under the heading of a Profession skill.

Check: You can practice your trade and make a decent living, earning your check result in silver pieces per day. You know how to use the tools of your trade, how to perform the craft's daily tasks, how to supervise untrained helpers, and how to handle common problems. (Untrained laborers and assistants earn an average of 1 silver piece per day.)

The basic function of the Craft skill, however, is to make an item of the appropriate type. Most items created with a Craft skill fall into one of several broad categories of complexity. Others have Craft DCs based on CR (in the case of traps) or on the Fortitude saves required to avoid or minimize their effects (in the case of poisons).

Before crafting an item, you must have tools and an appropriate workshop or area. If you don't have access to artisan tools, you can still attempt a Craft check, but you take a –2 penalty when attempting a check without such tools or with improvised tools. If you have masterwork artisan tools, you gain a +2 circumstance bonus on the skill check.

After you have a suitable area to craft and you've gathered your tools, you must then acquire raw materials whose value is equal to 1/4 the cost of the item or items you wish to craft. Given the necessary tools, materials, and workspace, you can attempt a Craft check of the appropriate DC each day. If you succeed, you make an amount of progress equal to the silver piece or gold piece value listed in the appropriate entry in the Base Progress per Day column of Table: Crafting DCs and Progress Values. If you exceed the DC by at least 5, your progress doubles. If you exceed the DC by at least 10, your progress triples, if you exceed it by at least 15, you quadruple your progress, and so on. When your total progress equals the cost of the item, that item is completed. Any remaining progress can be applied to a similar item; otherwise, all excess progress is lost.

If you fail the check, no progress is made that day. If you fail the check by 5 or more, you waste an amount of your raw materials equal to the item's base progress per day, up to a maximum of the initial cost of the raw materials. Such wasted material must be replenished before you can continue crafting the item.

Setting Aside Crafting Items: As long as you can store an item in a secure and safe place, you can set aside an item that you began crafting and return to it again later with little or no effect. Your GM may rule that this is not possible, especially in the case of volatile alchemical items or perishable goods.

Crafting Masterwork and Special Material Items: When you're crafting a masterwork item or an item made of a special material, its crafting difficulty increases by one step. For example, a longsword (which has a base difficulty of normal) is considered a complex item when crafted as a masterwork item (DC 20; 4 gp base progress per day). In the case of items crafted from special materials that also count as masterwork (such as adamantine armor and weapons), the complexity of the item increases by two steps.

Repairing Items: You can use the appropriate Craft skill to repair items of that type. Repairing an item with the broken condition or that has taken damage (or both) requires tools and a work area, and you must pay 1/10 the item's cost in raw materials. Repairing an item has the same DC as crafting the item, but takes an amount of time based on the item's complexity. Extremely simple items take an hour to repair. Simple and normal items take 1d4 hours to repair. Complex and intricate items take a day to repair, and all other items take 1d4 days to repair.

Item Crafting Difficulties

The following are the categories of crafting difficulties and the items within those categories. The items are split into general categories. Alchemical items and poisons require Craft (alchemy) checks. Armor and shields require Craft (armor) checks. Weapons require Craft (weapons) checks for melee weapons, thrown weapons, nonsiege firearms, crossbows, or crossbow bolts; Craft (bows) checks for bows or arrows; Craft (alchemy) checks for firearm ammunition; and Craft (siege engines) checks for all forms of siege engines. The Craft checks for mundane items depend on the item being crafted, with the most common ones being baskets, books, calligraphy, carpentry, cloth, clothing, glass, jewelry, leather, locks, paintings, pottery, sculptures, shoes, and stonemasonry. Crafting vehicles requires Craft (carpentry) for most land-based vehicles, Craft (ships) for seaborne vessels and airships, and Craft (alchemy) for alchemical dragons and steam giants. Crafting traps requires Craft (traps).

Extremely Simple (DC 5)

Alchemical Items: Casting plaster.

Mundane Items: Very simple items such as wooden spoons, other carved one-piece items.

Weapons: Manufactured clubs, quarterstaffs, slings.

Simple (DC 10)

Alchemical Items: Light detector.

Armor: Light armor, wooden shields.

Mundane Items: Typical household items such as iron pots.

Vehicles: Cart, raft.

Weapons: Simple weapons (except crossbows).

Normal (DC 15)

Alchemical Items: Acid; alchemical cement; alchemical grease; armor ointment; bladeguard; buoyant balloon; chill cream; glowing ink; invisible ink, simple; keros oil; liquid blade; marker dye; soothe syrup; water purification sponge.

Armor: Medium armor, steel shields.

Mundane Items: Most adventuring gear.

Vehicles: Chariot, light; chariot, medium; chariot, heavy; rowboat; sleigh; wagon, light; wagon, medium; wagon, heavy.

Weapons: Martial weapons and crossbows.

Complex (DC 20)

Alchemical Items: Alchemical glue; alchemical solvent; alchemist's fire; alchemist's kindness; alkali flask; blackfire clay; candlerod; flash powder; foaming powder; ghast retch flask; impact foam; invisible ink, average; invisible ink, good; meditation tea; nushadir; paper candle firework; scent cloak; shard gel; smoke pellet; smokestick; star candle firework; tindertwig; vermin repellent; weapon blanch, cold iron; weapon blanch, silver; wismuth salix.

Armor: Heavy armor.

Mundane Items: Jewelry, kits, locks, complicated adventuring gear.

Traps: All traps CR 1–5.

Vehicles: Carriage, glider, keelboat (Ultimate Combat 184), longship.

Weapons: Early firearm ammunition, early one-handed firearms, early two-handed firearms, exotic weapons.

Intricate (DC 25)

Alchemical Items: Alchemical glue accelerant; antiplague; antitoxin; bloodblock; bottled lightning; burst jar; defoliant; embalming fluid; fire ward gel; frost ward gel; fuse grenade; invisible ink, superior; itching powder; liquid ice; mending paste; padzahr; pellet grenade; skyrocket firework; smelling salts; sneezing powder; starfountain firework; sunrod; tanglefoot bag; thunderstone; twitch tonic; weapon blanch, adamantine.

Mundane Items: Clocks, other intricate items.

Traps: All traps CR 6–10.

Vehicles: Galley, sailing ship, warship.

Weapons: Advanced firearm ammunition, advanced firearms, nonalchemical and nonfirearm siege weapons.

Very Intricate (DC 30)

Alchemical Items: Banshee ballerina firework, flame fountain firework, rusting powder, soul stimulant, tangleburn bag, troll oil.

Traps: All traps CR 11–15.

Vehicles: Airship.

Weapons: Alchemical siege engines, siege firearms.

Extremely Intricate (DC 35)

Traps: All traps CR 16+.

Vehicles: Alchemical dragon, steam giant.

Supervising Helpers

As stated in both versions of the skill, Craft allows you to supervise untrained laborers. An untrained laborer has no ranks in Craft, but can attempt to aid in the process of creating items with the Craft skill. This is done by first paying the untrained laborer either 1 sp per day or 7 sp for a week's worth of work. Each untrained worker you hire can attempt to aid another on your Craft check with a +0 bonus (assuming an Intelligence score of 10 or 11 and no ranks in the appropriate Craft skill). Typically, you can hire no more than two artisans to help you craft most small or relatively simple items (such as adventuring gear, alchemical items, armor, poisons, and weapons), but for large and complex items (such as siege engines and vehicles), you can hire as many as 10 untrained laborers to assist you.

If your GM allows it, you can also hire and supervise trained laborers. These laborers have ranks in the appropriate Craft skill and have a greater chance to aid you in your crafting endeavors. Table: Trained Laborers gives the details on such trained laborers, how much they cost, the number of ranks they have in the appropriate Craft check, the bonus on their Craft checks, and the typical size of the settlement in which they are found. You can hire only trained laborers who have fewer ranks in the appropriate Craft than you have; a trained laborer with more ranks than you will not deign to assist you.

Trained Laborers
Ranks in Craft Craft Bonus Cost to Hire per Day Cost to Hire per Week Settlement Size
1+43 sp2 gp, 1 spHamlet
2+54 sp2 gp, 8 spVillage
3+66 sp4 gp, 2 spSmall town
4+78 sp5 gp, 6 spLarge town
5+81 gp7 gpSmall city
6+91 gp, 5 sp10 gp, 5 spLarge city
7+102 gp 14 gpMetropolis


When crafting items, you need tools and an appropriate workspace. What constitutes an appropriate workspace is often situational. Repairing weapons or armor in the field requires only a relatively quiet and clear area, while crafting a suit of full plate requires a workshop and a forge. Typically, items of normal or greater complexity require a workshop of some sort, but under certain circumstances, the GM can rule that such items can be created in the field. Alchemical items and poisons are exceptions to these guidelines, as their compact nature makes them easier to craft in the field, especially with the help of an alchemist's lab.

Masterwork Workspaces: Large, well-stocked workspaces can also aid in the crafting of items, particularly when you use trained and untrained labor. These masterwork workspaces grant trained and untrained laborers a +2 circumstance bonus on checks to aid another when they aid your Craft check. Furthermore, if a trained or untrained laborer succeeds at the check to aid another by 5 or more, that laborer grants you a +3 bonus on your check instead of the normal +2. It typically costs 5 gp per day to rent a masterwork workspace for crafting relatively small items (such as most adventuring gear, alchemical items, armor, poisons, and weapons) and 20 gp per day to rent a masterwork workspace for creating larger items (such as siege engines and vehicles).

Special Raw Materials

Crafting items requires a certain ratio of raw materials to start. Typically, these raw materials are some sort of trade good that is required to make the item. Making a suit of chainmail, for instance, requires 37 gp and 5 sp worth of steel (assuming you are using the alternate Craft skill presented above). But not all raw materials are the same—some raw materials are better suited for crafting. These are special raw materials.

Unlike normal raw materials, special raw materials have both a cost and a crafting cost. The cost of the special raw material is the amount for which it can be purchased and sold. Special raw materials are trade goods, and like all trade goods, they can be bought and sold for the same price. The crafting cost is the amount of gold they are considered to be worth for the purposes of crafting. For example, flawless steel's cost is 8 gp per pound, but its crafting cost per pound is 4 gp. It can be bought and sold for 8 gp per pound, but when used as the raw material for crafting items, it is considered to be worth only 4 gp per pound.

While special raw materials can be bought and sold, they work best when handed out as treasure. As the GM, if one of the PCs in your group has invested in the Craft skill, consider giving out these special trade goods in place of coin treasure every so often.

Special raw materials' crafting costs are always half their actual cost. They also have special traits when used as the raw material for crafting in the alternate Craft skill rules presented above. A special material cannot have more than one of the following special traits.

Easily Worked Raw Materials: This type of raw material makes it easier to craft items faster. When using this raw material, the item's base progress per day is doubled. For example, if you are creating a suit of chainmail using easily worked steel, your base progress per day is 4 gp rather than 2 gp.

Flawless Raw Materials: This material is so flawless that it can be used to create high-quality items with ease. When using flawless raw materials to create either masterwork or special-material items, the crafting difficulty doesn't increase. For example, if you craft a suit of masterwork chainmail using flawless steel, the difficulty of the check remains normal (DC 15) rather than becoming complex (DC 20).

Malleable Raw Materials: This type of special raw material can withstand crafting errors better than other normal materials of the same type. If you fail a Craft check by 5 or more when using malleable raw materials, you don't lose an amount of raw material equal to the item's base progress per day.

Pure Raw Materials: This raw material makes it easier to craft an item. When using this raw material, you roll twice when attempting your Craft check and take the better result.

Special Raw Material Costs
Special Raw Materials (1 lb.) Easily Worked Flawless Malleable Pure
Adamantine600 gp600 gp375 gp450 gp
Alchemical silver20 gp20 gp12 gp, 5 sp15 gp
Angelskin200 gp200 gp125 gp150 gp
Blood crystal80 gp80 gp50 gp60 gp
Bone2 gp2 gp1 gp, 2 sp, 5 cp1 gp, 5 sp
Bronze10 gp10 gp6 gp, 2 sp, 5 cp7 gp, 5 sp
Cloth8 gp8 gp5 gp6 gp
Cold iron100 gp100 gp62 gp, 5 sp75 gp
Darkleaf cloth20 gp20 gp12 gp, 5 sp15 gp
Darkwood20 gp20 gp12 gp, 5 sp15 gp
Dragonhide100 gp100 gp62 gp, 5 sp75 gp
Eel hide250 gp250 gp156 gp, 2 sp, 5 cp187 gp, 5 sp
Elysian bronze400 gp400 gp250 gp300 gp
Fire-forged steel300 gp300 gp187 gp, 5 sp225 gp
Frost-forged steel300 gp300 gp187 gp, 5 sp225 gp
Gold100 gp100 gp62 gp, 5 sp75 gp
Greenwood100 gp100 gp62 gp, 5 sp75 gp
Griffon mane80 gp80 gp50 gp60 gp
Leather6 gp6 gp3 gp, 7 sp, 5 cp4 gp, 5 sp
Living steel 200 gp200 gp125 gp150 gp
Mithral800 gp800 gp500 gp600 gp
Obsidian6 gp6 gp3 gp, 7 sp, 5 cp4 gp, 5 sp
Steel 8 gp8 gp5 gp6 gp
Stone6 gp6 gp3 gp, 7 sp, 5 cp4 gp, 5 sp
Viridium400 gp400 gp250 gp300 gp
Whipwood300 gp300 gp187 gp, 5 sp225 gp
Wood2 gp2 gp1 gp, 2 sp, 5 cp1 gp, 5 sp
Wyroot400 gp400 gp250 gp300 gp


The rules for the Profession skill can be found in the Core Rulebook, but they provide little more than an abstract means of earning a bit of coin, with little flavor or drama included to enhance the campaign. This section presents alternatives and expansions to those profession rules to make practicing a profession both easier and more evocative.

Alternate Profession Rules

While the rules for the Profession skill in the Core Rulebook are perfectly suitable for the needs of most campaigns, there is little opportunity to make them a meaningful part of play. Those rules assume that the character is spending a full week conducting business (when it is often more desirable for a PC to merely do a single day's work), and they offer few ideas on how to modify the basic check to account for circumstances, roleplaying opportunities, and so forth. For example, there are two primary methods of plying a trade while practicing the various professions suggested in the Pathfinder RPG. One is by setting up a place of business in a static location, and the other is by traveling from point to point, offering services. Both of these approaches are possible within a single area of expertise in almost every case, though there are advantages and disadvantages inherent in each. The Profession rules as written do not take any of this into account.

Of course, you can choose to fully roleplay the establishment and development of a business, making appropriate Profession checks along the way while incorporating most of the decision making and operations of the business into the PC's story. Alternatively, if you don't wish to delve into the complexities of creating a business and handling the bookkeeping to run it, then assume you find enough opportunities to convince the occasional passerby to buy a good or service from you to make a small profit. You earn your check result in silver pieces per day in this fashion. However, if you want a system that's relatively easy to manage but that offers more choices and options for using the Profession skill, the following system provides rules that are a little more flavorful and involved.

With this alternative system, use the following version of the Profession skill instead of the one presented in the Core Rulebook.

Profession (Wisdom; Trained Only)

You are skilled at a specific job. Like Craft, Knowledge, and Perform, Profession is actually a number of separate skills. You could have several Profession skills, each with its own ranks. While a Craft skill represents ability in creating an item, a Profession skill represents an aptitude in a vocation requiring a broader range of less specific knowledge. The most common Profession skills are architect, baker, barrister, brewer, butcher, clerk, cook, courtesan, driver, engineer, farmer, fisherman, gambler, gardener, herbalist, innkeeper, librarian, merchant, midwife, miller, miner, porter, sailor, scribe, shepherd, stable master, soldier, tanner, trapper, and woodcutter.

Check: You know how to use the tools of your trade, how to perform the profession's daily tasks, how to supervise apprentices and helpers, and how to handle common problems. You can also answer questions about your Profession. Basic questions have a DC of 10, while more complex questions have a DC of 15 or higher.

Setting Up Shop

The full function of the Profession skill allows you to run a business of the appropriate type successfully. Professions in most cases can be operated from static locations (such as store fronts or offices) or performed while traveling. They can be small operations requiring little in the way of assistance or large companies that demand numerous laborers. Table: Business Size and Setup lists the size of the business, the minimum and maximum number of employees needed to operate it, the amount of time it takes to establish the business (find and purchase equipment and the location from which to run the business, hire employees, renovate or repair the property, apply and pay for any licenses, advertise, etc.), the costs to open or upgrade the business, and the amount of profits to be gained.

Labor Factor: This value indicates the minimum labor "cost" of running your business. It serves as a penalty on your Profession skill check to determine profits, accounting for the various laborers, assistants, experts, and apprentices you must employ to maintain a business of the associated size. Typically, your business can have a maximum number of employees equal to 2 × the positive value of its base Labor Factor (or a maximum of two employees for a mobile business), but each employee your business has beyond the minimum increases the Labor Factor penalty by 1.

Minimum Employees: This is the minimum number of employees needed to run a business.

Maximum Employees: This is the maximum number of employees a business can maintain.

Initial/Upgrade Costs: The cost listed is the amount required to either establish (for a Mobile or Small business) or upgrade (from Small to Medium, or Medium to Large) a business. The value is multiplied by the number of ranks you have in the appropriate Profession skill, and reflects the quality of tools, equipment, decor, advertising, and so forth needed to maximize your talents and effectiveness at running a business of that size. If you gain more skill ranks, you must pay for the increased cost associated with those ranks in order to gain the benefit of those ranks on checks to determine profits—otherwise, all checks made to determine profits are capped at the highest skill rank for which you've paid. If you spend 125% of the listed cost, you set up a masterwork operation, with the finest equipment, tools, and furnishings available. Such a workspace grants you a +2 circumstance bonus on all associated Profession checks (including ones to determine profits).

Monthly Profits Factor: This value is used to calculate net income earned after the cost of goods, overhead, and labor are taken into account.

Mobile Business: Your business functions as a traveling operation, either as a small street-side setup within a town or city (such as a rug to display wares at a bazaar or a cart or wagon pulled through the city while the proprietor hawks the goods), as a roving professional service moving between multiple communities, or as a service that actually involves travel (such as that of a sailor, merchant, etc.).

Small Business: Your business is a small shop, usually one of several within a single building. A Small business might cater to a community as small as a hamlet or to a single neighborhood within a metropolis.

Medium Business: Your business is either a large shop occupying all of a single building or multiple smaller storefronts (each equivalent to a small business). A Medium business usually occupies a small town or larger community.

Large Business: Your operations are sizable, either functioning as several Medium businesses within a single small city or larger settlement, or as multiple businesses of any size distributed among several small towns or larger communities.

Business Size and Setup
Business Size Labor Factor Minimum Employees Maximum Employees Setup Time Initial/Upgrade Costs Monthly Profits Factor
Mobile0021 day1 gp/rank5
Small–2241 week100 gp/rank10
Medium–55102 weeks1,000 gp/rank100
Large–1010201 month5,000 gp/rank1000

Running the Business

Running a business using the Profession skill requires a great amount of time, and as such, most heroes don't maintain an active operation. Those who do often turn over most of the day-to-day tasks to subordinates so they themselves can continue adventuring. You can employ and supervise trained apprentices and assistants to help you manage the business affairs. For every assistant or apprentice you take on to help run your business, you reduce your time required to actively participate in the business by 25%. Thus, with one assistant, you work 75% of the time and are free the rest of the time. With two assistants, you can split your time evenly between the business and other endeavors, and so forth, up to four assistants, who can take complete control of the business operations on your behalf. You can choose to divide each day, week, or month between working and free time. Each assistant you add imposes a penalty equal to the appropriate Labor Factor penalty on your skill check to determine profits. See Table: Business Size and Setup.

It takes time to find and hire such skilled employees. For each employee, you must spend 1d4 days × the number of ranks she possesses in the appropriate Profession skill searching her out and training her. You can only hire a trained worker who has at least half as many ranks in the appropriate Profession skill as you do, but no more than you do; a skilled individual with more ranks than you will not lower herself to be your assistant.

Determining Profits

To calculate the income you receive from your business, attempt a skill check in the associated Profession skill, taking the appropriate Labor Factor listed on Table: Business Size and Setup as a penalty. If you employ extra assistants, remember that each one increases the Labor Factor penalty on the check by 1. Multiply the result of this check by the Monthly Profits Factor on the table to determine your net monthly profits in gold pieces.

For example, if you are running a Small trading house with a modifier of +9 in Profession (merchant) and you have hired two extra assistants (beyond the two-employee minimum) to manage things for you while you adventure, your net modifier would be 9 – 2 (for the Labor Factor) – 2 (for the extra assistants) = 5. If you roll a 9, for a total of 14, you then multiply that total by 10 (the Monthly Profits Factor for a Small business) to determine that you've made a net profit of 140 gp over the course of the month. If you had chosen to manage the business in person, with no help from extra assistants, then your profits would have been 160 gp, but you would have been tied to the store and unable to adventure for half the month.

Typical Business Setups

Listed below are each of the professions featured in the Pathfinder RPG, along with a quick description of how a character could operate that business either as a traveling service or from a storefront. Of course, other professions are possible, limited only by a character's imagination.

Architect: Mobile architects are very uncommon, and most often travel from noble to noble, providing expertise in the construction of manor houses and strongholds. A mobile architect might also serve as an attachment to a military unit or a mercenary company, training the soldiers in construction of defenses on the field of battle. More often, architects operate small businesses in larger towns and cities, creating and selling plans for construction or overseeing projects already under way.

Baker: A baker can peddle goods (usually cooked at home) as a street vendor, often from a bazaar stall or cart. In rare instances, a renowned baker might travel the countryside, offering to create masterfully made baked goods in smaller communities, most often during holidays and other celebrations (and sometimes while in search of apprentices). A baker can also establish a storefront to sell all manner of breads, cakes, pastries, and pies, probably in conjunction with various Craft (baked goods) skill checks. The baker might also take special orders for custom creations, particularly catering to the wealthy within a sizable town.

Barrister: Traveling barristers might operate on a predetermined circuit, attending to legal matters in small communities scattered through rural areas, often at the behest of the local nobility. However, most barristers serve in a fixed location, performing their legal duties in conjunction with an established court of law. Depending on the type of government that exists within a locale, the barrister might serve a set of clients among the general populace, or he might act more as judge and jury in all disputes.

Brewer: A traveling brewer likely functions as a microbrewer, crafting his beverages at home then selling them from a wagon or cart, sometimes even between multiple communities or at local fairs. Larger brewing operations may set up shop in a rural community where the ingredients are fresh and then ship the finished product in larger towns, or they might receive the ingredients from elsewhere and craft their brews within the city walls.

Butcher: A mobile butcher might move among several very small, rural communities, either buying livestock or offering to slaughter and dress them on the premises. Most butchers operate butcher's shops, selling fresh cuts of meat delivered from elsewhere. Very large operations might sell to nobles or armies in need of sustenance.

Clerk: Traveling clerks, while not common, are not unheard of. They frequently roam from town to town, preparing paperwork on behalf of clergy members, mayors, and minor nobles. Clerks who operate storefront businesses tend to provide bookkeeping services to other businesses, and also offer the creation of announcements, invitations, and other printed materials.

Cook: Cooks who travel often do so in the company of military units or caravans, while those who want to settle down frequently run restaurants or pubs. Some cooks also make a living serving fantastic dishes at court or operating catering services for other businesses.

Courtesan: There are very few instances of traveling courtesans; most who claim to be are grifters or con artists, offering companionship only as part of some elaborate scheme. Most true courtesans are found either at court or working in a bawdy house. An individual could run a brothel as a full-time business using this Profession skill.

Driver: By its nature, the profession of driving requires travel, so most mobile drivers work independently, serving military units or caravans, handling carts, wagons, carriages, and the animals that pull them. Localized driving businesses could offer dray work to other shops in a community, provide carriage service (like a taxi service), or even contract out full caravan service. Alternatively, mercenary drivers might participate in chariot games for sponsors willing to pay enough.

Engineer: Engineers function in much the same way as architects. Mercenary captains who lead bands of military engineers for hire typically have some skill in this profession.

Farmer: Mobile farmers often serve as traveling workers, moving between farms to gather crops on behalf of wealthy landowners. Some highly skilled farmers also travel between communities, demonstrating and selling new kinds of plant breeds or diagnosing diseases. Otherwise, farmers operate plots of land, growing produce to sell in urban areas.

Fisherman: Fishermen must go where there is water, but some truly do travel, by either taking wealthy clients on fishing expeditions for sport or finding work as an independent contractor on a commercial fishing vessel. Fishermen who wish to start a local business often run a dockside company with one or more boats or ships with crews that bring in large catches, which the business owner then sells to local inns, taverns, and so forth.

Gambler: A lone gambler who makes a living winning coin usually moves from place to place once her skills are noted and she wears out her welcome. Some occasionally hire on to teach others how to gamble effectively (this is particularly popular among nobles who are constantly trying to one-up one another). Gamblers who want to make a business of it often set up betting houses, bookie services, and casinos.

Gardener: Mobile gardeners serve as landscapers, hiring out to grow and groom public parks. Some gardeners start local businesses that cater to either the city or wealthy nobles who want flower gardens, hedge mazes, and the like. Their employees visit clients regularly to plant new starts, trim and train established plants and trees, and ready gardens for the changing seasons.

Herbalist: A traveling herbalist rides alone or with a caravan, moving between locales to gather fresh herbs and sell dried ones. Stationary herbalists sell their wares from small cottages in the rural parts of the country or from shops in big cities. The largest herbalist businesses conduct trade with large-scale food suppliers and hospitals, providing seasonings and remedies, respectively.

Innkeeper: A traveling innkeeper serves as a hired hand who helps get struggling businesses back into profitable shape by arranging for better entertainment, bouncers, victuals, and other amenities. Inns run as businesses can range in size from small bed-and-breakfasts to large military barracks.

Librarian: A traveling librarian moves about the land, dealing in books (particularly rare ones) with communities that either don't have access to a library of their own or with folks who simply can't afford much in the way of reading material. Permanent libraries can be anything from small, specialized shops that deal with very specific subjects to massive cultural edifices that represent the pinnacle of a given civilization. Private libraries that are run as businesses are rare and usually cater to clients with large amounts of money to spend.

Merchant: Traveling merchants can bring goods either on pack mules or as part of a great caravan, and can be found hawking their wares on nearly every street corner. Shopkeepers of all ilks buy and sell every trade good imaginable. The largest trade consortiums manage hundreds of caravans, storefronts, and warehouses.

Midwife: Some midwives travel between communities, helping to deliver babies at each stop. In more urban communities, they can be hired on by temples and hospitals that specialize in infant birthing.

Miller: A traveling miller might go from village to village with a portable mill and set up shop for a few days or a week, grinding the community's grain before moving on to the next place. Millers running established operations in farming country would work out of a mill built near a flowing water source, while larger commercial milling operations in urban areas could serve all the farms and merchants for miles around.

Miner: Miners must find work wherever the ore, stone, or precious materials they mine are found. However, a lone miner could make a living excavating foundations and basements, live as a prospector hunting for gems and panning for gold in the wild, or work as a mercenary employed to assist a military unit in building defenses or sapping the enemy's walls.

Porter: Portage work tends to operate out of hubs of civilization, whether in small frontier towns where the need for porters to carry exploration and adventuring gear is high, or in great cities where merchants are in constant need of strong backs to carry, load, and unload cargo. A lone porter could hire out to anyone needing assistance on a short- or long-term basis, while a businessperson could run a portage and delivery service in any sized community.

Sailor: Individual sailors not tied to a particular port simply hire on to ships that need an extra hand. However, organized groups of sailors sometimes hire themselves out to those with ships in need of full crews.

Scribe: Lone scribes who travel from town to town offer not only writing services, but also sell fine papers, inks, pens, and scroll and map cases to customers. Larger enterprises can provide a full range of copying, translating, and illuminating services to a broad range of customers in villages, towns, and cities.

Shepherd: A single shepherd will travel to find work wherever there is a need for tending sheep, especially during shearing and birthing season. Someone with a mind to run a shepherding business would have the skill to operate sheep ranches and wool-processing facilities, as well as working in conjunction with butchers to process meat.

Soldier: Soldiers go where there is fighting. Individual mercenaries, guards, or marines serving aboard ships accept coin in exchange for their combat prowess. Mercenary captains in charge of whole units or armies effectively run sizable businesses. Urban organizations offering escort and guard services to wealthy nobles and merchants can also grow quite large.

Stable Master: Anyone who has a way with horses could travel with caravans or armies, serving as a horse handler, while operations in small villages might exist side by side with inns and taprooms. Larger businesses could offer a full-service stable that buys, heals, races, sells, and trains horses.

Tanner: A lone tanner might provide his leatherworking services to a number of communities in proximity to one another, and small businesses that offer both tanning services and finished goods for sale are common enough. Bigger operations usually set up near cities where large numbers of livestock are gathered for processing.

Trapper: Solo trappers can catch and skin enough game to make a living in a frontier or wooded region, and small groups of them might establish a trading post where they could sell their wares along with other goods. A large trapping company might hire scores of individual trappers, bringing in massive quantities of furs that are then shipped to other parts of the world.

Woodcutter: Individual loggers might move from place to place, felling enough timber to sell to one small community at a time. Large logging operations can potentially clear entire regions of forest in a short time, preparing and shipping the wood—either as whole logs or sawn lumber—by water or caravan to sell anywhere growth and development occurs. Shipyards also require substantial amounts of lumber and make good customers.